Skövde City
On behalf of Next Skövde AB, LegoMasters winners from 2020, David and Rickard, were entrusted with creating an eye-catching and playful model of Skövde's city center and also some smaller areas in Skövde's periphery.
Basically, the model is an architectural model that reproduces in detail what Skövde looks like today. Most of the buildings are depicted in white, while a few more famous buildings were built in color.
The model's first area of use was an interactive event where the Skövde children got to come and meet the Legomaster winners who, on site, live-built the visitors' wishes for the Skövde of the future, and placed this in Lego-Skövde. Among other things, Skövde got a water park, a Burj Khalifa and a football arena. But also huge game characters who wandered around the city.
In a second area of use, the model had to act as a visualization and be an aid in the planning of a completely new district in Skövde, Mariesjö.
The area on the model where the new district will be located was demolished and replaced by the future vision for the district, depicted in Lego with color to highlight the future in Skövde city.
The result was a playful and clear visualization of the new district and its location in relation to current Skövde.
The model is currently available for public viewing at Skövde City Hall.

Modellen lever vidare
Idag finns den här modellen att se i en utställning på stadshuset i Skövde.
Tack vare Lego som material
Har den här modellen varit ett framgångsrikt verktyg för Skövde stad som engagerat alla i framtidens visioner